
Very Nice V-1 Flying Bomb from Ralph Currell

Here is a nice V-1 Flying Bomb paper model that I recently built. This one is from Ralph Currell. He has several very nice models including the V-1 and a great V-2. Also for fans of Paper Model Planes there are models of several Air Ships, the Concorde, and SpaceShipOne. All of these models are a little more complex to build, but the final result is worth the time and effort.

V-1 Flying Bomb "Buzz Bomb" Paper Model from World War II
This is one of my more favorite builds.
You can find Ralph's models here:


Great Paper Model of the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

There are only a few paper models of the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress from WWII and the nicest is over at Fiddlers Green. It is not a free model, but it is well worth the price if you want a model of this iconic bomber in your World War II collection.

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Paper Model

One really nice feature of the Fiddlers Green web site is the Massive amounts of information they have on the different airplanes represented by their models. You can spend hours on their site just reading up on the different planes. Great resource for any model builder, and you don't have to buy anything to access the information, it isn't hidden behind any members only log in.

So take a look at Fiddlers Green: www.fiddlersgreen.net

And here is the link to the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Paper Model page: www.fiddlersgreen.net/models/aircraft/Boeing-B17.html


Welcome to the New Paper Craft Planes Blog

This blog will be focusing on paper models and paper craft airplanes. I will be scouring the net for interesting and hopefully free paper models.